Personal Work

You may be more like the sun and I more like the moon, but we exist in the same sky and I’ll always have your back. This one is for my sister.

It took most of my life to make peace with the person I see in the mirror. This illustration reflects the sense of peace I’ve found with the person I am. There is no greater gift than self-love.

Ladies at the beach on a hot Summer day.

Drawing of my friend Aubry at Debutea cafe.

Personal illustration of a funky couch that lives at Inness Hotel’s lobby.

My favorite corner in my home, moments of warmth and stillness.

Exploration of the relationship I have with my body after a long history of eating disorders. Like the blooming of flowers, I have learned to love it by watching it transform and glow just as flowers do through the seasons.

I took a solo road trip anticipating peace and calm. It didn’t end up that way, but it offered me great lessons. I put that energy into this drawing and it became a form of healing.

My mom taught me that the character 福, which means good fortune, is sometimes written upside down because the phrase “upside down 福” sounds similar to “fortune has arrived”. Happy Lunar New Year of the Tiger, she’s arrived 🐯♥️

Rain falling, Snow dropping, and the sprouting of sunflowers. My reflections on living in New York and watching the seasons change from my apartment.

Personal piece about moving to NYC in my my late 20’s and nurturing the relationship to my identity and ethnicity in the city.

China Virus. Kung Flu. Chink. China girl. Ni Hao baby. Hi Mei Mei. Come here, China, come here! Where are you from? Where are you REALLY from? What’s your REAL name? What kind of Asian are you? I am not a virus, a flu, a joke, a stepping stone, a model minority, or a fetish. I do not exist for your pleasure. I’m sick of the social expectation of us to shrink ourselves. Our pain is real. It has ALWAYS been real. I am Asian-American. I am here, I am loud, I am strong, and I am alive. Illustration and insights in response to the rise of attacks on the AAPI community, exploring the suppressed emotions that every Asian-American woman experiences.

Personal painting from my series, Mother Earth Feels.

Personal painting from my series, Mother Earth Feels.

Personal painting for my Los Angeles series.

Personal painting for my Los Angeles series.